Sunday, October 21, 2012

Come Mourning

As sorrow clawed through my veins, I became immune to starlight -
shuddering beneath this eclipse,
submerged in savage waves crashing slowly against my heart.

Terrible tides consume my flesh; my mind surges,
swirling through chaotic currents - I can no longer taste my own salt.
A morose mosaic with missing pieces,
this shattered terrazzo tears beneath my feet,
a mere pariah without recompense or resolve.

Nothing can mollify this descent of dusk -
there are only lilies that have not yet been gathered,
strewn solemnly across the field where once we knelt,
our alabaster skin shining with dew.
In your absence, I am fractured.

These thorns of silence attempt to thwart my grief,
but I will not be moved from this curled corner, wrapped in weariness.
Darkness arrives unnoticed, without a wisp of sound.
This is me, letting you go.

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