The Echo of What Remains Collected Poems of Wanda Lea Brayton
Once, I knew the wide warmth
of your soaring silvered wings.
When your flight took you away from here,
far beyond the bitter face of the sun,
your tracks glistened upon the shoreline of my soul.
Drifting under starlight,
only your memory falls upon my landscape,
its grace intact.
Sullen seas ache mournful music,
tides of silent embraces yearn softly.
Trees are heavy, swollen with fruit;
branches sway in anguish for absent harvests.
Gently, I stroked your lips before kissing them,
exhaling slowly, measuring the moment.
You murmured my name as you looked at the shimmering sky;
muted colors evolved quietly from your unwept tears.
I dance beyond dawn's coming gleam,
unable to lay down my pen and sleep,
taut with fiery imagination.
I weep beyond reparation
when the world seems too far away to hold me.
I have been a poet every instant of my life,
even when language failed to gather my song.